Experience & Technical Expertise
Atmospheric Scientists Who Know Offshore Wind
Mitigating technical risk requires a comprehensive understanding of atmospheric physics.
Our team’s atmospheric science and wind energy resource experience has developed refined processes designed to evaluate the many nuances of an offshore wind project, including proprietary, technically advanced wind modeling tools that help inform and optimize energy production.
For example, ArcVera’s mesoscale and wind farm-atmosphere interaction (WFAI)
models greatly improve the understanding of how the wind flows through a wind farm and
potentially debilitating long-range wake losses. We model the wind by sourcing data from a
volume of sources such as client-installed and local airport meteorological towers,
LiDAR-instrumented buoys, and public reanalysis libraries.
From the best practices of wind measurements for energy yield estimates to wind measurements for site-specific loads estimates, our direct involvement in IEC Standards development is helping shape the future of wind energy evaluation and leads the sector.
In addition, we work closely with the top U.S. universities – engaging and collaborating in technically leading research and ensuring that ArcVera’s processes continue to be state-of-the-science offshore wind modeling methodologies.
This technical article shares more about how ArcVera’s site-specific mesoscale modeling decreases the technical risk of an offshore wind project.
Engineers Who Know Offshore Wind Turbines
The ArcVera engineering team’s extensive experience informs its broad understanding of how wind turbines are designed, manufactured, installed, operated, maintained, repaired, validated, repowered, and decommissioned. We maintain strong working relationships with all major global wind turbine manufacturers.
Our technical services include wind turbine technology reviews, wind turbine technology diagnostics such as root cause analyses (RCA) and End of Warranty Inspections (EOWI), operations and maintenance (O&M) assessments, and technical due diligence for developing projects and for project mergers and acquisitions (M&A).
Power performance testing (PPT), also known as power curve verification testing (PCVT) and power curve testing (PCT), is a technical service offered by ArcVera necessary for the assurance that offshore wind projects will perform as forecasted.
Offshore wind is the newest frontier for wind turbine technology evolution and is still evolving. While offshore wind turbine technology is exceptionally advanced, offshore turbine power performance is unproven. With other industry experts, ArcVera is directly involved in the IEC standards development for traditional power performance testing and the testing of offshore wind turbines using nacelle-mounted LiDAR.
We invite you to learn more from our technical publication about why PPT is necessary for assuring that the new technologies designed for the offshore wind market will perform as expected.
Lender’s Technical Advisor
Reduce Financial Risk by Identifying Technical Risk
The immense scale of global offshore wind energy development requires enormous financial resources, increasing the importance of identifying the technical risks. ArcVera utilizes its decades of wind-industry experience, reducing risk by providing investors with the required technical expertise. From evaluating the wind resource and project design to analyzing the operational energy production and technology performance, ArcVera provides the accurate analysis results required to inform our clients’ financial decisions.
Before construction begins, ArcVera evaluates the design of the project for fatal flaws and inefficiencies: wind turbine design and manufacturing, substructure and mooring selections, and transmission and substation locations. Using advanced, reliable techniques, the ArcVera wind resource analysis team models the wind using available pre-construction data; the result is an accurate understanding of the energy potential of a project and how it can be optimized.
Once a project is operational, ArcVera applies its wind resource expertise to analyze and evaluate the performance of the technology. This starts with power performance testing to ensure that the turbines are performing as expected. We also review the performance of the plant to ensure that it meets expectations. This is important for owners and M&A investors alike since the revenue stream from the wind farm is dependent on energy production meeting expectations.
ArcVera also looks at the operations of the farm to compare actual O&M costs to financial model assumptions, help understand the root cause of turbine downtime and component failures, and evaluate OEM responses to the needs of project operators. We provide valuable technical insight to maximize our client’s financial investment and mitigate risk.
ArcVera supports offshore wind projects through the entire project lifecycle, from concept to decommissioning.