Project Engineering Services
Globally, ArcVera Renewables provides the renewable energy industry with technically leading engineering services, including bankable wind and solar energy resource assessments, integrated battery storage evaluations, technical and financial due diligence, and construction monitoring.
ArcVera’s reports are relied upon by global banks, private equity investors, and investment funds worldwide. Our experienced team, many of whom are senior-level and formerly directed technical due diligence for major developers, know well the rigors of managing client project mandates at a deal-flow pace and delivering on-time independent reports of the highest technical quality.
With office locations in the US and international offices in South Africa, India, and Brazil, the ArcVera team is standing nearby to engage with you and learn how to support your project with ArcVera’s industry-leading renewable energy technical expertise.
A comprehensive range of ArcVera project engineering services include:
Related case studies

Highland Wind Farm
ArcVera Renewables supported financing of the Highland Wind Farm with a bankable wind resource assessment, turbine technology review, and construction monitoring. The project debt was syndicated, so we participated in a syndication meeting; subsequently, we provided an operational energy assessment for the project in support of refinancing. In addition, we delivered a due diligence report in support of a sale process for an equity stake in the project.

Heart of Texas Wind Project
As a key technical advisor to Scout Clean Energy, ArcVera has provided leading technical support for the Heart of Texas and other wind energy development projects. With the construction of Heart of Texas completed in June 2020, Scout needed to complete a power performance test to verify the wind turbine performance matched the contractual requirements. As the technical advisor for the project through acquisition, Scout requested ArcVera provide its power performance testing (PPT) services. The PPT services began in October 2020, and the project was completed in March 2021. Three separate tests were performed, one for each version of the GE 2-MW wind turbine installed.
Learn more about ArcVera accredited Power Performance Testing Services.
* 4 WTGs are the GE 2.8-127 model, and all three of the tested turbines were GE2.8-127